Orona HQ’s video mapped key elements—Innovation, Product, Services, International, Green—leaving viewers in awe.

Orona´s Showroom
Our friends from Indissoluble called us to design and create a video mapping for a showroom at the Headquarters of Orona.
We made the design and production of a 5 minute video that was projected on a large curved surface made of triangles. On this video we explained the 5 key points of the company: Innovation, Product, Services, International, and Green.
The end result was an spectacular immersive experience that blew away the visitor thanks to the geometry and curve of the surface.

Juan Roberto Vásquez
Ernest Garriga
Fabio Alvino
Jordi Hernández
Marco Vásquez
Cristina García
Bet Garriga
Jordi Miró
Paula López
Paul Fontés
Miriam Ribuffo
Ángel Alcalá
Pablo Pariente
Federico Gonzalez
Mathieu Felix
Javier Pinto
Alex Palazzi