Welcome to Solid, an installation for Cupra, creating a mysterious, dramatic, organic and warm experience

SOLID / Cupra Sensorial Experience
The installation is a work that is part of the Cupra Sensorial Experience in which we explore the nature and beauty of the raw materials.
Intensity games with monochromatic light make the natural environment in which we find ourselves. We recreated a landscape where the raw material and the natural were the protagonists.
We manually build a large rock with recycled and sustainable elements, install it in the middle of a cave and surround it with bluetooth lights and laser projection.
Technical Development
For this installations, we where in charge of the design, programming and the in place control of the more than 120 devices.
In the Development Stage the combo TouchDesigner + UnrealEngine was key. TouchDesiner offered us the tool for flexible design, animation, control and DMX enconding while UnrealEngine gave us the possibility of preview the content in real-time.
This workflow allowed us to have a fully functional DMX Control at the very beginning of the event, with the edition flexibility that TouchDesigner offered to did changes on the fly.

Federico Gonzalez
Mathieu Felix
Javier Pinto
Camila Araujo
Ferran Belda
Daniel Guillen
Antonio Nieto Moreno
Juan Pablo Salinas
Daniel Guillen
Ferran Belda
Joan Sandoval
Katarina Grbric
Francesca Senegalli
Jordi Font Ferres
Carolina Gomez Sanchez
Amanda Gomez Sanchez
Vasile Ganea
Germán Burgalés
Martí Cortijos