Welcome to Fluid, an installation for Cupra, a dynamic exploration of brand textures and colors in an ethereal world

FLUID / Cupra Sensorial Experience
Soft, flexible, light, cold, continuous and dynamic.
It is a contemplative installation that explored the infinite surface and served as a preamble to the exhibition of materials, colors and textures of the brand.
We created an installation that represents the lightest and most volatile textile layers that move, showing various sculptural forms bathed in light.

Federico Gonzalez
Mathieu Felix
Javier Pinto
Camila Araujo
Ferran Belda
Daniel Guillen
Antonio Nieto Moreno
Juan Pablo Salinas
Daniel Guillen
Ferran Belda
Francesca Senegalli
Jordi Font Ferres
Carolina Gomez Sanchez
Amanda Gomez Sanchez
Vasile Ganea
Germán Burgalés
Martí Cortijos
Joan Sandoval
Katarina Grbric